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SoCal Gas & Power Prices Rising Sharply Heading into December

December gas prices for SoCal Citygate increased dramatically over the last six weeks. On Monday, the December contract settled at $6.21/MMBTU, its highest settle in four years and more than $2/MMBTU higher than its average through 2017. The prospect of higher gas prices has also pushed SP-15 December power prices to record highs. As noted […]

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New natural gas pipeline capacity may outpace production gains over next several months

Over 16.4 BCFD of new natural gas pipeline capacity is expected to come into service between now and October 2018. A large chunk of this capacity (7.2 BCFD) aims to provide incremental production takeaway capacity, primarily in the Marcellus/Utica region (see map below). However, EVA’s most recent natural gas production forecast suggests these pipelines may […]

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Clean Power Plan Repeal Finally Picks Up Steam

On October 10, 2017, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) added another chapter to the story of one of the most contentious environmental regulations, when EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt issued the proposed Clean Power Plan Repeal Rule.  This action, almost 200 days after President Trump ordered the EPA in his Executive Order to Promote Energy […]

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Rob DiDona’s EIA Presentation on Coal vs. Natural Gas Competition featured on THE COAL HUB

The report “Coal vs. Natural Gas Competition: The current state of play – impact on system dispatch,” first presented by Rob DiDona, leader of EVA’s power group, at the 2017 EIA Energy Conference, recently has been featured on THE COAL HUB. The report highlights the recent history of declining natural gas prices,  the importance of […]

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Metallurgical Coal Production drops in Third Quarter, Despite Strong Market Conditions

Quarterly coal production data from the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) show a significant drop in metallurgical coal production for the third quarter in 2017. While year-to-date metallurgical coal production is still well above 2016 levels (+26.7% through Q3), quarter-on-quarter production data shows a 9.5% decline, despite strong export market conditions for U.S. met […]

TAGS: Coal
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EVA Releases Most Recent Quarterly LNG Outlook

EVA is pleased to release the most recent issue of its Quarterly LNG Outlook, which provides a deep but concise dive into the global LNG industry. Special focus is given to the ongoing development of U.S. LNG export projects, but global issues—including crucial shifts in pricing dynamics—are explored in-depth, as well. The report includes short-term (3-year), country-by-country supply […]

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Pumping the PURPA Brakes: North Carolina opts for a more competitive solar development process

Renewable energy development in the Southeast U.S. has been largely non-existent, with the notable exception of North Carolina. Even there, wind development has been scarce, but the state has emerged as the nation’s second largest state for utility scale solar, behind only California. Having added 828 MW in 2015 and 758 MW in 2016, North […]
