Arlington, Virginia – July 27, 2016 – EVA has released its monthly forecast of crude oil and petroleum products price forecast. There continue to be indications that the current era of excess supply will persist until 2017. The series of temporary curtailments of supplies due to Canadian wildfires, the Kuwait workers strike, and the problems […]
Trouble All Around: Results from the California Cap & Trade program’s latest auction hints at worrisome future
California’s cap-and-trade program, established under Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32) by then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, which aims to reduce California’s GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020, is facing significant legal, political, and financial troubles. The latest cap-and-trade allowance auction held in May displays worrisome results. Of the almost 78 million allowances available in the auction, […]
Energy Ventures Analysis relaunches Natural Gas Daily Advisory Report
Arlington, Virginia – July 7, 2016 – Today’s Highlights: Expecting a build of 43 BCF for gas week 6/30. 26/17/-2/3/-1 split. SSC and Transco 912 submissions ran right at the observed border with South Central scrapes, driving the lower withdrawal, relative to avg estimates, expectation there. Odd settlement along yesterday’s curve. Among other things: only the 4th time […]
Phillip Graeter to address the World’s Largest Power Generation Event
Arlington, Virginia – July 6, 2016 – EVA’s Phillip Graeter is set to speak at POWER-GEN International Conference and Exhibition, to be held December 13-15, 2016 in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Graeter will be addressing the session on low-carbon challenges, industry developments and system impacts with his presentation, “Impacts of Clean Power Plan Policy Strategies on […]
EVA’s Monthly Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Price Forecast Released
Arlington, Virginia – June 29, 2016 – EVA has released its monthly forecast of crude oil and petroleum products price forecast. There are indications that excess crude oil supply will persist for the next few years, which limits the likelihood of significant upward movements in crude oil prices. Against a backdrop of less global liquid […]
EVA’s Monthly Natural Gas Price Forecast Released
Arlington, Virginia – June 27, 2016 – EVA has released its monthly forecast of U.S. natural gas markets and prices. The slight decline in total U.S. production is expected to be the net result of several different trends and infrastructure events, as described in the report. The forecast growth in demand and exports is also […]
EVA Releases the June Short-Term Coal Market Outlook
EVA’s Short-Term Coal Market Outlook Sample Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Michael Schaal to keynote the 4th Frac Sand Conference on September 12th in Minneapolis
Arlington, Virginia – June 16, 2016 – Michael Schaal has been announced as a speaker on the keynote session at the 4th Annual Frac Sand Conference, to be held September 12-13 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Michael will be kicking off the conference with, “Setting the scene: What’s next for the U.S. shale industry?” Michael will be […]
Michael Schaal to lead Energy Ventures Analysis, Inc.’s Natural Gas and Petroleum practice
For Immediate Release June 6, 2016 Contact: Donna Wilson (703) 276-8900 EIA veteran to lead Energy Ventures Analysis, Inc.’s Natural Gas and Petroleum practice Michael Schaal joins EVA to lead their natural gas and petroleum consulting to meet the needs of today’s complex markets. Arlington, Virginia – Michael Schaal, former Director of the U.S. […]
NERC publishes CPP Reliability Assessment based on EVA Modeling Results
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) completed an assessment on the potential risks to reliability resulting from the proposed Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. NERC’s CPP reliability assessment modeled scenarios focused on evaluating generation and transmission adequacy and potential reliability impacts. Energy Ventures Analysis with its stellar AURORAxmp power modeling capabilities was chosen […]