After months of anticipation, EPA’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) – one of the most watched environmental regulations coming out of Washington, DC – finally had its first day in court on September 27. This newsletter summarizes the Clean Power Plan and the legal issues at stake, previews the remaining schedule for the litigation, and highlights […]
New York’s Clean Energy Standard puts the state (back) at the forefront of fighting Climate Change
On August 1, 2016, New York’s Public Service Commission presented the Clean Energy Standard (CES). New York’s latest policy achievement to combat climate change will require 50% of the state’s 2030 electricity consumption to come from renewable energy sources and provide financial incentives to at-risk upstate nuclear power plants for their carbon-free electricity. The 50 […]
Trouble All Around: Results from the California Cap & Trade program’s latest auction hints at worrisome future
California’s cap-and-trade program, established under Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32) by then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, which aims to reduce California’s GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020, is facing significant legal, political, and financial troubles. The latest cap-and-trade allowance auction held in May displays worrisome results. Of the almost 78 million allowances available in the auction, […]